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Structuring the workflow means above all schematizing it to make it modular and harmonious. It's essential not to work in chaos, but methodically.
Problem solving is a quality that can be learned more or less with practice. Finding the knots of a problem and sweetening them in linear patterns is the only way to avoid getting lost in the dark.
When we structure the work ,we start by breaking it down into lower-order sections. Reorganizing it according to different priorities is then the second step. Solving any stumbling blocks of this conceptual reorganization is the last one. This is the schematic.
There is also another fundamental crucial point, less practical than theoretical, we would define it almost ethereal. Give it fluidity, make it easily intelligible: it is a quality that cannot be learned, an innate characteristic.
Without a logical linearity and a developed emotional intelligence it is not possible to make clear to other concepts that are foreign to them in order to acquire ever greater slices of the market.